Training and Placement Committee

To enhance and foster industry-institution relationship.

To facilitate industrial training for students, internship programs and students' study tour programs.

To promote participation of industry personnel in the development of students knowledge & high quality student projects.

To arrange industry visits and industrial training for the faculty and students of institution.

To provide technical consultancy and training to small scale & rural industries.

To take up joint Research & Development projects with the industries

B.Pharm. M.Pharm., and Pharm.D. projects/dissertation work in industries under joint guidance of the faculty and experts from industry.

Arranging visits of staff members to various industry.

Memoranda of Understanding between the Institute and industries.

Dr. S. Pavani, Convenor

Dr. D. Adukondalu, Co-convenor

Dr. B.S. Sharvana Bhava

Dr. Y. Shravan Kumar

Mrs. P. Kalyani

Mrs. G. Swapna

Mr. B. Venkatesh

Ms. T. Keerthi

Dr. L. Venkatesh

Dr. Q. I. Arsheen

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